1 ml of solution contains :

deproteinized dialysate from the blood of healthy dairy calves standardized chemically and biologically (on dry basis) 42.5 mg
Excipients: Water for injection - up to 1 ml
Indications for use:

Occlusive peripheral arterial disease in stages III-IV by Fontaine in patients with contraindications / intolerance to other drugs;
chronic venous insufficiency accompanied by trophic disorders (Ulcera cruris), in cases of persistent currents;
disorders of cerebral metabolism and blood flow (ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke, traumatic brain injury)
Dosage and administration:

In the treatment of occlusive peripheral arterial disease in stages III-IV by Fontaine - intravenously with 20 ml daily. Perhaps intravenous drip in isotonic sodium chloride solution or 5% glucose solution. Duration of therapy - to 4 weeks and is determined by the clinical disease.
In the treatment of chronic venous insufficiency accompanied by trophic disorders (Ulcera cruris) - intravenously with 10 ml 3 times a week. Duration of therapy - not more than 4 weeks and is determined by the clinical disease. An important additional measures aimed at preventing peripheral "venous" edema is the superimposition of a pressure bandage with elastic bandage.
In the presence of local trophic disorders of tissues recommended simultaneous therapy with Solkoseril jelly, and then Solkoseril ointment.
In the treatment of ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes in severe and very severe as the primary rate - intravenous injection of 10 or 20 ml, respectively, every day for 10 days. Upon completion of the primary rate - intramuscularly or intravenously in 2 ml in 30 days.
Traumatic brain injury (brain injury severe) - 1,000 mg intravenously daily for 5 days.
If intravenous infusion of the drug possible, the drug may be administered intramuscularly, usually in 2 ml undiluted day.
For intravenous use, the undiluted preparation must be administered slowly, because it is a hypertonic solution.

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