Tamoxifen is used for the treatment of both early and advanced  breast cancer in pre- and post-menopausal women.

Tamoxifen is also approved by the FDA for the prevention of breast cancer in women at high risk of developing the disease. It has been further approved for the reduction of contralateral (in the opposite breast) cancer. The use of tamoxifen is recommended for 10 years.

Tamoxifen is also actively used in sports. The reason is  taht tamoxifen significantly increases the level of testosterone in the body of a man, because this drug is an anti-estrogen. According to statistics, if we compare the initial data of endogenous testosterone in the male body, then if he consumes the drug at 20 mg for 10 days, the testosterone level in his blood will rise by 42%. And if you use Tamoxifen  for more than a month and a half, this level can go up to 83%. Such statistics indicate that tamoxifen is much more effective than other drugs.

We supply 100% original Tamoxifen, manufactured by Ozon Pharma (Russia) under strict control of russian authorities

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Tamoxifen (aka Nolvadex)

20mg x 30 tablets

  • Availability: In Stock
  • $8.50